Nemate vremena za duge razgovore, za opširna objašnjenja, želite da prenesete informaciju što pre i u što kraćem obliku, a skraćenice su najbolji primer toga kako usmenu i pismenu komunikaciju možemo skratiti i pojednostaviti. Iako su skraćene reči popularnije kod mlađoj populacije, nije novost da su počeli i stariji sve više da ih upotrebljavaju. Ali, upamtite, ovaj vid komunikacije je isključivo neformalan i najčešće se nalazi u onlajn dopisivanjima.
U nastavku vam predstavljamo najčešće skraćenice sa kojima se možete susresti u engleskom jeziku.
PROČITAJTE I... Najinteresantnije činjenice o engleskom jeziku
ASAP – As soon as possible | BRB - Be right back |
AAMOF - As a matter of fact | B3 - Blah, Blah, Blah |
AKA - Also known as | B4 – Before |
ACE - A cool experience | BC – Because |
AD - Awesome dude | BON - Believe it or not |
AFAIK - As far as I know | BW - Best wishes |
AFK - Away from keyboard | BYOB - Bring your own beer |
CUS - See you soon | BRB - Be right back |
CYT - See you tomorrow | BBIAB – Be back in a bit |
CUL - See you later | BBL – Be back later |
CWYL - Chat with you later | BBS – Be back soon |
C-P - Sleepy | BEG – Big evil grin |
CTN - Cannot talk now | BFF – Best friends forever |
BFN - Bye for now | BFFL – Best friends for life |
BTW - By the way | B/C - Because |
IOW - In other words | OMG – Oh my God |
IIRC - If I recall/remember correctly | OT – Overtime |
IQ - Ignorance quotient | PM – Private message |
IDK – I don't know | ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing |
IIRC - If I recall/remember correctly | SWAK – Sealed with a kiss |
IMHO - In my humble opinion | TGIF – Thank god it’s friday |
IMO - In my opinion | TY - Thank you |
IOW - In other words | TTFN – Ta Ta for now |
JIT - Just in time | TY – Thank you |
J/K - Just kidding | TYVM – Thank you very much |
JC - Just checking | TTYL – Talk to you later |
KIS – Keep it simple | TBC – To be continued |
KIT – Keep in touch | UR - Your / You are |
LOL - Laugh-out-loud | WC - Wrong conversation |
LTNS – Long time no see | WTG – Way to go |
LOL – Laughing out loud | W8 - Wait |
L8R - Later | WB - Welcome back |
MIA – Missing in action | WFM - Works for me |
NRN - No reply is necessary | YW – You’re welcome |
NP - No problem | YMMD - You made my day |
NYOB – None of your business | 2F4U - Too fast for you |
NP – No problem | 2moro - Tomorrow |
NOYB - None of your business | 2nte - Tonight |
OTOH - On the other hand | 4YEO FYEO - For your eyes only |
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